Thursday 17 February 2011

Design Process

Mood boards-

I made a couple of inspirational mood boards to make it easier to compare my magazine/ photographs to ones taken specifically for the rock/punk genre,

I looked at photographs of band/band members of the rock genre for ideas for the photographs in my cover/contents page/double page spread.
i noticed that a lot of the photographs are in direct address to the audience, this being a technique to use in my work.
Also they're all very expressive and full of energy and bounce, I will use this in my own photographs.
This also shows that the rock/punk social group is represented as very confident and outgoing.
The photographs are also very bright and colourful, also counter-typing the stereotypical views on the rock/punk social group, people usually think that people that are rock/punk are very rebellious, loud and disruptive, but if you read through a rock/punk magazine you'd see that they're not.

I then looked as some different rock/punk magazines and inspirational ideas for my magazine. I looked at two different magazines, 'Kerrang!' and 'Rocksound'.
I then decided I'd look further at the Kerrang! magazine because i like the look of it and i can buy it easy at is is released weekly and will be good to compare with my own work. I made a mood board of several Kerrang! magazines to see the variations of the central image, masthead, featured articles and puffs and flashes. 
I then drew up a couple  mock ups of what I's like my cover to look like using the inspired covers and photographs of bands/band members. 
i used the different techniques used on the covers that I'd studied, such as, peeling stickers as puffs, featured articles going down the side and along the bottom of the cover, the price being in a corner really small, using a direct address photograph for the central image. 
I didn't add and featured articles to the mock up because I wanted to make it simple enough to build up gradually.

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